Thursday, December 17, 2009

Some random drawings! Yeah!

This is one of my rare longer, pencil drawings. Taken from part of a photo cataloguing the plight of Eastern European Jews right before WW2 really got out of hand.
This is an older sketch (last year?) of my buddy Joel.
This is a character from my buddy Andy Hongisto's comic, DRIFTER. Check out his blog here!
This is another Thrice-inspired idea: sharks eating drowning sailors. Pretty epic! I'll have to revisit this I think.


  1. Aaron, awesome sketches! That one of Nothing is amazing!

    Ha ha that one of Joel is pretty funny too. Your cross hatching is top notch!

  2. Thanks buddy! haha, congrats to you on being the first person to comment on anything as well! If I had a prize, I'd give it to you!
